Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is a script-driven Installer authoring tool for Microsoft Windows with minimal overhead backed by Nullsoft, the creators of Winamp. NSIS is released under a combination of free software licenses, primarily the zlib license. It has become a widely used alternative to commercial proprietary products.

Font Install My nsis installer needs to install a font. I use CopyFile the .ttf file to fonts folder in windows xp and then executing this :: System::Call "GDI32::AddFontResourceA(t) i ('BIRDMAN_.TTF') .s" Pop $0 SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_FONTCHANGE} 0 0 but still my application doesnt catch the font at first time after install.. Nullsoft Scriptable Install System - Free download and Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is a professional open-source tool for the development of Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible and is therefore FIX: NSIS error "Error launching installer" - Repair Corrupt Edge Files. Download and run Reimage Plus to scan and restore corrupt and missing … Install Designer

Download - NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

nsis-ide - Atom nsis-ide. Adds IDE-like features for NSIS development in Atom. Installation apm. Install nsis-ide from Atom's Package Manager or the command-line equivalent: $ apm install nsis-ide. Using Git. Change to your Atom packages directory: # Windows Nullsoft Scriptable Install System - YouTube Jan 14, 2016

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System - YouTube

can not install alien, rpm, nsis in kali Mar 10, 2015